Tuesday Tutorial

I usually do laundry on Mondays and Thursdays. Being gone last week kind of threw that for a loop. Needless to say I had a mountains worth yesterday. All those dryer sheets got me thinking I should share how I use them with quilting.
 After running it through my laundry I place it in a box keep for this purpose. When I made this quilt I ran out and had to wait week to week to get more to complete it. I got impatient with this method and made a weird request to my friends for their dryer sheets. My friends know I'm a little different. They obliged me and soon I had this quilt complete. Now I use my box so as not to give more evidence to my peculiarities.
When I'm ready I iron the dryer sheet. I find generic brand flatten best. Bounce can be a bit of a problem. The first method I use for dryer sheets is as a foundation. I like it because it is lightweight and I don't have to rip any paper off when I'm done. The blocks I'm currently making start with a right angled triangle in one corner.
 Then I place a strip on top and stitch in place. You can pin if you like but I just hold it in place.
 Then I fold it back and press.
 Then repeat the process.
 Until I've covered the dryer sheet. Then I finish up with an other triangle
 Trim it all up.

 And here is my finished block.
 My next method is for applique. First I trace my pattern on the dryer sheet I used a sharpie here just so you could see it but usually use a micron pen.
 Then I place my fabric so the right side is facing the dryer sheet and stitch around it.
 Trim a scant 1/4" and clip corners
 Next I cut a slip in the dryer sheet
 Using a chopstick I turn the piece right side out.
Then press 
 And sew in place. I just top stitch but you can use any method you choose.

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