Grandpa's Wrench in Grandma's Garden Revisited

I made this little quilt back in the spring of 2006. It was part of a challenge. We were given the grandmother's garden blocks and size perimeters, I think. I tried to follow the link from way back on my blog but it doesn't work anymore. Anyway this is what I came up with.  
 At the time I just did some simple quilting in the flowers, baskets and wrench. You can see it here. My inspiration was my father and his little escapade on Thanksgiving. How was I to know he would repeat it several times. In addition to rolling his jeep in 2005 he has cut himself on the ban saw, not sure on the year and crashed on his four wheeler in 2011. (This one led to a life flight just as my siblings and I were arriving from out of town for the Thanksgiving weekend.) He is fine now but he and mom missed that Thanksgiving. That was the last straw for mom. Grandpa is now is grounded to his lazy boy on Thanksgiving weekend. One too many wrenches for Grandma.

 Back in the day I thought I would add flowers or something to the baskets but that never happened. I just hung it on my wall and enjoyed it. Well, I have something coming up where I am going to share this quilt and wanted to dress it up a little. So I added some cross hatch quilting.
My favorite thing about this quilt is this grandmother's garden block. Not only did the quilter have to use a different fabric to finish her outer ring. She pieced that last piece. (There is a better picture of it here. As a scrap quilter this just speaks to my heart.

Linking up with Sarah to share this revisit finish.

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