Free Motion Quilting~ Pebbles and Feathers

When it comes to Free Motion quilting I've been self taught.  Thanks to an artist mother who has a home that is better stocked than most craft stores and encouraged me to develop my talents.  I've had a lot of practice trying new things.  When I first started quilting, my kids were little, hubby was in school and money was tight.  So quilting by check was not an option.  So I asked questions at my guild.  Took the handful of knowledge I was given and went for it.  
 Now that the kids are grown and money is not so tight I still quilt my own.  It's not my favorite thing always but I feel a sense of accomplishment saying I made my quilt completely by myself.  I've know I have lots of room for improvement in my quilting. So I recently started taking some classes on Bluprint.   Did you know you can get unlimited streaming of classes for less than $4 a month.  Between the yoga classes I watch on snow days when I can't walk outside.  The sock knitting classes I've been watching.  I really want to knit socks!  And the free motion quilting classes I've been binge watching.  I'm getting my moneys worth. 
I watched Christina Cameli's Secrets of Free Motion Quilting and Patsy Thompson's Feather Basics.  They both taught me things that my self teaching had totally missed. I used what I learned to start quilting my Clamshells quilt.
I've got all the pebbles done in the background and a couple of the clam shell rows are finished.  I'm thrilled with what I learned and how it is helping me improve my skills.  I'm even really liking the effect of my quilting rather than just being happy to have a finish under my belt. 

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