Scrap Busting Star Quilt

When I started the Scrap Busting Star Challenge this quilt was only a top.  It sat basted for a while.
 I eventually got around to quilting it.  Just a simple all over stipple.  It's quick, easy and I've had enough practice with it to have it look good. 
 My binding angel, Sheri bound it for me in a pretty blue.  Now it's ready to gift as a Quilty Hug
Are you needing a scrap busting project.  It's not to late to join the fun.  My YouTube video shows you how to make this scrappy star block.  Make your quilt as big or little as you like.  I'd love it if you shared your quilt with me when your done.  Email me a pic or share on my Facebook page or on Instagram @emsscrapbag.  Thanks!

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