Every Quilt Has a Story

While your reading this I'm busy watching my sister, Becky's kids.  They range in age from 11-4 and there are four of them.  It's been a while since I've had four kids at home so this will be a grand adventure.  I think that though it will be busy.  It's also going to be tons of fun!  
This quilt was inspired by my niece, Mary.  She is the my sister's eldest child.  When she was quite small I would watch her and she would gather up all the scraps on my sewing room floor and design quilts on my design wall.  As she grew she wanted to do more and more in my sewing room.  I remember one time, she was around 6, she told me she could do dangerous crafts.  When I asked her what this meant she told me she could use scissors.  Too funny!   

Now that Mary is 11 she is quite the seamstress.  She made pj's for her whole family for Christmas.  
Mary's Garden is a tribute to her.  My daughter may not enjoy sewing with me, she enjoys photography with my sister.  Mary, on the other hand, is my sewing buddy.

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