My Scrap Sorting Method

While my sewing area is seldom tidy.  I'm of the philosophy, creative clutter is better than tidy idleness.  When my bins are not out being used they are organized and fun to look at.  That may be why they are seldom put away.  
 But I do have a method to my madness.  So I only take out the bins I'll be using in any given project.  This allows me to easily find the perfect scraps for each quilt.    Whether it be for a bits quilt, a string quilt, or a quilt and uses various chunks. 
 I recently made a YouTube video sharing my method.  Check it out and see if it might help you manage those ever multiplying scraps.  You gotta use them up or they will take over. 
But if managed you'll have lots of fun creating my favorite kind of quilts, scrappy of course. 

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